Game 1 questions?
The Cubs were defeated by the Arizona Diamondbacks last night. The Cubs play last night rose the following questions in my mind: Was Webb and Company that good or were the Cubs that bad? Did Lou take out Zambrano too early? Will Lou decision haunt the Cubs?
To answer my first question, Webb is a very good pitcher. He won the national league Cy young last season. He is the best sinker ball pitcher in the game today. That being said, the Cubs did not capitalize with runners in scoring position. If the Cubs are meant to win this series, they will have score more than 1 run on 4 hits. Arizona won 32 one run games this season, so if the game is close. The odds favor an Arizona victory.
Lou might have made his first mistake major mistake as a Cubs manager. He pulled Carlos Zambrano out a close game too EARLY. Zambrano had only thrown 85 pitches throw 6 innings of work. If Zambrano is the Cubs ace and horse, why would Lou pull him out. Zambrano averaged over 100 pitches in his regular season starts. Lou logic was that he was saying his ace for Game 5. GAME 5!!!! By pulling Zambrano early, Lou potentially took his ace out of the series. If the Cubs do not win at least two games, Zambrano may not even get another chance to pitch in this series.
In Lou's defense, he did have his bullpen setup the way he wanted with Marmol pitching the 7th, Howry the 8th, and Dempster the 9th. Only time will tell, if Lou decision to pull Carlos early will hurt the Cubs in this series.
The most important question is : Can the Cubs beat lefty Doug Davis in Game 2.
We will find out tonight!!!
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